"You need to be able to manage stress because hard times will come, and a positive outlook is what gets you through.
Marie Osmond
When the pressures around a person outstrip their ability to cope with them, we call this stress, but we mean stress of the distress variety. We can think of stress in two ways: Eustress, which can be thought of as helpful stress and distress, which can be thought of as unhelpful and damaging stress. We all deal with it! No matter what our lives are like, we all deal with stress in one way or another.
Remember that stress is an individual experience
and that symptoms are too. Signs of disease should not be ignored just because
you believe they are stress-related. You must get more serious symptoms checked
by your doctor.
Here are some important facts that play a role in how we think about stress, its effects both physically and psychologically, and others.
The language of stress is largely borrowed from engineering in which we talk of stress, strain, tolerance, resilience, breaking points, flexibility, elasticity, etc. of materials.
Broadly speaking stress can be experienced in two ways, physically and psychologically, but the two are interrelated.
Stress is a protector in that it gives us a mechanism for dealing with threats. We have the ability to confront threats or avoid them; the so-called "fight or flight" mechanism.
Stress can be good as well as bad. Without some stress we would not get the adrenaline up to win races, solve problems, take exams and make important changes.
Stress, particularly long-term stress, can be a factor in the onset or worsening of ill health and a shortened lifespan.
If you are a woman, you may deal with stress in ways that are different from your male counterparts. Science finally has an answer as to what causes women to be more vulnerable to stress than men.
Hormonal levels-women tend to experience more fluctuations in their hormones than men do.
Constricting Blood Vessels-when under stress, research has found that women's blood vessels constricted and tightened more frequently than men.
Myocardial Ischemia- (decreased blood flow to the heart) sometimes, what makes women more vulnerable to stress isn't the stress itself but what that stress causes. Chronic stress can cause damage to our bodies, most importantly, our hearts.
Men are not always good at recognizing stress in themselves. What one man finds stressful, another will not, and what can be stressful at one time may not cause stress during another time of your life.
Physical Signs and Symptoms of Stress
Chest pain Muscle aches, Pounding such as
back heart and neck pain High blood pressure Headaches Dizziness
Shortness of breath Clenched jaws and grinding teeth Fatigue Diminished or
increased sex drive, Tightness, dryness or a feeling of having a lump in your
throat Indigestion Constipation or diarrhea Increased perspiration
Stomach cramps
Weight gain or
Skin problems
Psychological Signs & Symptoms of Stress
The psychological signs and symptoms of stress include:
Sadness Depression Crying Withdrawal or isolation Insomnia Mood swings Worry Restless anxiety Irritability, anger or decreased anger control Overeating or anorexia Feelings of insecurity Decreased productivity Job dissatisfaction Changes in close relationships Increased smoking Increased use of alcohol and drugs
3 Ways to deal with Stress
Experts all agree that physical activity and
working out is the number one way to deal with the stress in our lives. Working
out forces the body's physiological systems to communicate much more closely
than usual.
While any type of relaxation technique will work, meditation is one of the best to help deal with stress and keep your heart healthy.
Drink Less Caffeine or Alcohol
If you're one of those people who can't start your day without coffee, you may want to start weaning yourself off your morning latte. "When used too often or at the wrong time of day (in the evening, for instance), caffeine disrupts the regular rhythm of cortisol...caffeine may be affecting your hormonal balance."
Avoiding drinks like caffeine and alcohol can help you deal with stress a lot better since these substances can heighten the stress you're feeling. You don't have to give it up altogether but reducing your use will give you a head start on dealing with stress.
Final Thoughts
Knowing the damage that stress can cause is the first weapon you need to fight it! Practicing healthy and positive ways of dealing with stress will keep you from becoming vulnerable. Stress management is essential to wellbeing and something we should practice every day.
Related Scriptures:
Philippians 4:6 ESV-Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your request be made known to God.
Psalms 118:5-6 ESV-Out of my distress I called on the Lord; the Lord answered me and set me free. The Lord is on my side; I will not fear. What can man do to me?
Proverbs 12:25 ESV-Anxiety in a man's heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.
Matthew 11:28-30 ESV-Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.
Citation: PowerofPositivity. "Science Explains Why Women Are More Vulnerable To Stress Than Men." Power of Positivity: Positive Thinking & Attitude, 7Mar.2018, www.powerofpositivity.com/science-explains-womenvuInerable-stress-men/.
Citation: https:llwww.verywellmind.com/recognizing-stress-for-men-2329008
Holy Bible (ESV)